2021-03-26 · On­line In­for­ma­tion Seeking

This is how news lit­eR­Ate GeR­Mans rE­Al­ly are

The coro­na pan­dem­ic in par­tic­u­lar has great­ly changed in­for­ma­tion-seek­ing be­hav­ior. Peo­ple are in­creas­ing­ly look­ing for im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion on­line. But how lit­er­ate are Ger­mans in on­line be­hav­ior to be able to dis­tin­guish be­tween se­ri­ous and non-se­ri­ous information ?

To de­ter­mine how lit­er­ate users are in dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing ac­tu­al im­por­tant from unim­por­tant and se­ri­ous from du­bi­ous in­for­ma­tion, we con­sid­ered five core issues :

  • Can users rec­og­nize the com­mu­ni­ca­tion in­ten­tion be­hind a mes­sage ? In oth­er words, are they able to rec­og­nize ad­ver­tis­ing, fake news, or opin­ion columns ?
  • Do they rec­og­nize whether a news item is com­plete and what in­for­ma­tion may be miss­ing ? And what about knowl­edge of jour­nal­is­tic due diligence ?
  • Can users iden­ti­fy neu­tral or trust­wor­thy sources ? Can they as­sess whether they need more in­for­ma­tion ? And do they rec­og­nize any con­flicts of in­ter­est of sources ?
  • What about their own be­hav­ior in so­cial me­dia and when us­ing of mes­sen­gers ? Are videos be­ing for­ward­ed un­seen ? And how does one one deal with it if one has ac­ci­den­tal­ly shared misinformation ?
  • What do re­spon­dents know about the me­dia ecosys­tem ? And what is the lev­el of knowl­edge about al­go­rithms and search engines ?

We as­signed points de­pend­ing on the rel­e­vance of a par­tic­u­lar piece of in­for­ma­tion, so that we could al­so as­sess and com­pare the ac­tu­al skill lev­el of the users. A to­tal of 30 points were to be achieved, of which, how­ev­er, on­ly very few pen­e­trat­ed this spec­trum. The re­sult in brief : One-third of users are in the mid­dle range. On­ly 19% re­ceive high or very high com­pe­tence scores and 56% are in the (very) low dig­i­tal news and in­for­ma­tion lit­er­a­cy range. A more de­tailed look at the fig­ures re­veals that the re­sults vary ac­cord­ing to so­cio-de­mo­graph­ic fac­tors such as age, gen­der and, above all, ed­u­ca­tion, as well as me­dia us­age and cer­tain attitudes.

So­ciode­mo­gRAph­ic chaRActeRistics

In gen­er­al, men are at least some­what more ca­pa­ble cog­ni­tive­ly than women of dis­tin­guish­ing im­por­tant from unim­por­tant in­for­ma­tion (about 9 per­cent on av­er­age). Old­er age groups (here es­pe­cial­ly the 50-69 year olds) score best with al­most 16 out of a pos­si­ble 30 points, while users be­tween 18 and 29 are the most „im­petu­ous“ and re­ceive in­for­ma­tion from any source. We al­ready no­ticed this in the same as­sess­ment in the U.S., es­pe­cial­ly since younger peo­ple are more re­cep­tive and far more flex­i­ble in their trav­els, where­as old­er users search for in­for­ma­tion al­most ex­clu­sive­ly on their pri­ma­ry sources.

This may be es­pe­cial­ly due to the fact that young peo­ple are more open to new sources and blind­ly trust them with­out think­ing about it. Old­er peo­ple, on the oth­er hand, have al­ready gained more ex­pe­ri­ence in this re­gard, which makes them far more crit­i­cal of new sources and me­dia, so that their trust is on­ly giv­en if this is ver­i­fied by al­ready known, trust­wor­thy sources elsewhere.

In ad­di­tion, ef­fects are ap­par­ent when age and gen­der are con­sid­ered to­geth­er. As our analy­sis shows, the dif­fer­ences are par­tic­u­lar­ly large among women over 60 and men un­der 30, which is not least re­lat­ed to the me­dia use of both groups ; af­ter all, women over 60 use tele­vi­sion in par­tic­u­lar as their main source of news, while men un­der 30 are elec­tron­ic in their use but re­ly pri­mar­i­ly on the on­line of­fer­ings of news portals.

There are al­so ma­jor dif­fer­ences in terms of school ed­u­ca­tion. While in­di­vid­u­als with a low and medi­um lev­el of ed­u­ca­tion bare­ly pass the 10-point mark, the score of those with a high lev­el of ed­u­ca­tion is al­most 17. How­ev­er, it is par­tic­u­lar­ly wor­ry­ing when age is tak­en in­to ac­count here, as the low­est lev­el of com­pe­tence is found among those un­der 40 and with a medi­um lev­el of ed­u­ca­tion. If the lev­el of ed­u­ca­tion is cor­re­spond­ing­ly high­er, their abil­i­ty to se­lect im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion al­so increases.

This means that younger peo­ple are on­ly lit­er­ate if they have a high­er lev­el of ed­u­ca­tion. This prob­lem is root­ed in the school years and can hard­ly be made up af­ter­wards. There are on­ly mi­nor dif­fer­ences in re­gion­al­i­ty, with no cog­ni­tive dis­per­sion be­tween east and west, south and north. The on­ly no­tice­able dif­fer­ence is be­tween rur­al and ur­ban areas.

Us­age of me­dia is an im­por­tant fac­tor here

Clear dif­fer­ences in the cog­ni­tive abil­i­ty to dis­tin­guish the val­ue of in­for­ma­tion are al­so par­tic­u­lar­ly ev­i­dent in the type of me­dia use. In­di­vid­u­als who search for in­for­ma­tion of­fline and on­line have a far greater di­ver­si­ty in their sub­se­quent mem­o­ry store, which is then al­so ex­pressed in lan­guage pro­duc­tion and re­pro­duc­tion. In con­trast, in­di­vid­u­als who com­mit them­selves ex­clu­sive­ly to one type of in­for­ma­tion search have a one-sided per­spec­tive, which makes them far less like­ly to ex­am­ine the in­for­ma­tion they per­ceive and thus more sus­cep­ti­ble to misinformation.

Fur­ther­more, the abil­i­ty to se­lect in­for­ma­tion de­pends on which on­line medi­um we use. Twit­ter users, for ex­am­ple, are far more ca­pa­ble of find­ing im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion and us­ing it for their own ben­e­fit than users of Face­book-based net­works. This is be­cause Twit­ter was once de­vel­oped pure­ly as a news net­work, and en­tre­pre­neurs, jour­nal­ists, aca­d­e­mics and peo­ple in­ter­est­ed in these groups are par­tic­u­lar­ly ac­tive there, and these most­ly have a high­er lev­el of ed­u­ca­tion than, for ex­am­ple, in­flu­encers, who pre­fer to romp around on Face­book and In­sta­gram and do not re­quire any kind of train­ing for their activity.

More­over, the ac­tiv­i­ty of on­line users (and so­cial me­dia users in par­tic­u­lar) shows a clear dis­crep­an­cy : in­di­vid­u­als who ac­tive­ly post, share, and com­ment have a sig­nif­i­cant­ly low­er lev­el of in­for­ma­tion dis­crim­i­na­tion skills than those who on­ly pas­sive­ly surf through so­cial me­dia and in­hib­it this ac­tive be­hav­ior. In oth­er words, the more ac­tiv­i­ty that takes place on a pro­file, the less ed­u­cat­ed and more in­com­pe­tent a user usu­al­ly is. Due to their in­hi­bi­tion, pas­sive users al­so take more time to look at the con­tent of posts and val­i­date whether the con­tent is cor­rect and im­por­tant – or not.

About the users‘ worth attitudes

We want­ed to know whether the con­crete skills of news and in­for­ma­tion lit­er­a­cy are al­so com­pat­i­ble with or re­lat­ed to cer­tain val­ue at­ti­tudes that can be de­scribed as ba­sic de­mo­c­ra­t­ic at­ti­tudes. These in­clude, for ex­am­ple, the mo­ti­va­tion to in­form one­self about so­ciopo­lit­i­cal is­sues and to be­come ac­tive in this area (i.e., to be­come in­volved in so­ci­ety), a ba­sic trust in de­mo­c­ra­t­ic val­ues and the me­dia, and the abil­i­ty to tol­er­ate oth­er opinions.

The analy­sis shows : In­di­vid­u­als with­out these kinds of mo­ti­va­tions and at­ti­tudes men­tioned above, are less able to se­lect in­for­ma­tion and news be­tween im­por­tant and unim­por­tant than in­di­vid­u­als with them. This re­la­tion­ship per­sists even when con­trol­ling for oth­er rel­e­vant in­flu­enc­ing fac­tors, such as age, ed­u­ca­tion, gen­der, do­mes­tic net in­come and me­dia use.

In con­clu­sion, we can­not yet de­ter­mine ex­act­ly why in­di­vid­u­als with high mo­ti­va­tion and in­ter­est in im­prov­ing so­ci­ety are al­so more news lit­er­ate. But we as­sume that these in­di­vid­u­als are bet­ter able to per­ceive and process in­for­ma­tion due to their high­er di­ver­si­ty den­si­ty, iden­ti­fy trust­wor­thy sources more eas­i­ly, find their way around the me­dia land­scape bet­ter and are more ca­pa­ble of tol­er­at­ing opin­ions oth­er than their own.

About the po­lit­i­cal attitude

Fi­nal­ly, we want­ed to find out whether dig­i­tal news lit­er­a­cy al­so varies ac­cord­ing to po­lit­i­cal at­ti­tudes. And in­deed, there are two trends here : In­di­vid­u­als who tend to lean left po­lit­i­cal­ly (e.g., vote for the par­ty „Die LINKE“ or „Bünd­nis 90/Die Grüne“) are more in­for­ma­tion and news lit­er­ate than those who lean right (e.g., the AfD). Those who sub­jec­tive­ly be­long to the main­stream are the most in­com­pe­tent in this respect. 

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