2021-03-29 · In­ter­nal news

Am­s­ter­dam of­fice be­comes vac­ci­na­tion hub

On April 1, when the Dutch vac­ci­na­tion cam­paign takes its leap with the new Jaansen / John­son & John­son vac­cine, the Institute’s of­fice in Am­s­ter­dam will pro­vide much of its ca­pac­i­ty in vaccinating. 

That means for you in de­tail : You can use the na­tion­al reg­is­tra­tion app of the Dutch gov­ern­ment to reg­is­ter your­self and an­oth­er mem­ber of your fam­i­ly cir­cle as well, whether in the medi­um term the night be­fore or in the short term (e.g. one hour be­fore the ac­tu­al vac­ci­na­tion). Here’s how to do it :

  1. Down­load the Coro­na re­port­ing sys­tem app and reg­is­ter with your email ad­dress ((the re­port­ing app is avail­able on both An­droid and IoS in the Nether­lands and Belgium).
  2. Click on the menubar item “Im­mu­niza­tion Cen­ter” and scroll down to the Adam No­ord CC Im­mu­niza­tion Cen­ter and use the drop­down to se­lect your de­sired ap­point­ment for you and pos­si­bly one oth­er per­son in your family.
  3. You will then re­ceive an au­to­mat­ed e-mail with­in a few mo­ments, which you on­ly need to con­firm by click­ing the but­ton in it. And your vac­ci­na­tion ap­point­ment book­ing is done (Al­so at­tached to this email is an 8-minute video in­form­ing you about the vac­cine, its (pos­si­ble) side ef­fects, and fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about pos­si­ble fol­low-up care).

This pro­ce­dure for book­ing a vac­ci­na­tion ap­point­ment ap­plies no mat­ter where you want to be vac­ci­nat­ed in the Nether­lands. The wait­ing time can be up to 15 min­utes, please keep that in mind when you come to us. But you can bridge the time with small snacks and drinks, which we pro­vide free of charge.

So long, stay healthy and take care of your fel­low people. 

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