2021-01-13 · Con­sumer Behavior

Why we buy things we don't ac­tu­al­ly need

We or­der an­oth­er pair of boots, al­though there are al­ready five sim­i­lar pairs in the clos­et. We wait in line for ex­pen­sive cof­fee in pa­per cups. We let our­selves be se­duced by sup­posed bar­gains to make pur­chas­es that we lat­er re­gret. We buy more in the su­per­mar­ket when we smell fresh bread. Or, when shop­ping on­line, we are par­tic­u­lar­ly in­ter­est­ed in things that oth­ers like. Con­sumers find ra­tio­nal jus­ti­fi­ca­tions for why they bought a prod­uct. In fact, how­ev­er, they have on­ly made a very small part of the pur­chase de­ci­sion by weigh­ing up the pros and cons. A large part of the de­ci­sion-mak­ing process takes place unconsciously.

Emo­tions play a sig­nif­i­cant part in any pur­chase, but in­di­vid­u­als don’t act ir­ra­tional­ly be­cause of it. Quite the con­trary, we of­ten make very good de­ci­sions un­con­scious­ly. Us­ing func­tion­al tech­nol­o­gy, we mea­sure brain waves — and can thus make un­con­scious de­ci­sion-mak­ing process­es visible.


As our field ex­per­i­ments with our func­tion­al clar­i­fi­ca­tion show, for ex­am­ple, the re­ward cen­ter in the brain is ac­ti­vat­ed at the sight of dis­count pro­mo­tions, and the an­te­ri­or cere­brum, which is re­spon­si­ble for con­scious thought, is sus­pend­ed as well. In an­oth­er ex­per­i­ment, sub­jects tast­ed the same wine bet­ter sim­ply be­cause it was priced high­er. This is at­trib­ut­able to the as­sump­tion that con­sumers as­so­ciate a high price with bet­ter qual­i­ty and more ex­clu­siv­i­ty. This is be­cause the hu­man brain can on­ly process three to four in­ter­ac­tions as well. Mar­ket­ing in­ter­venes in this de­ci­sion-mak­ing process and draws at­ten­tion to the ben­e­fits of the prod­uct. Meth­ods are used as they do so, tar­get­ing nu­mer­ous un­con­scious pat­terns of thought and behavior.


  • Mid­dle pre­ferred : In­di­vid­u­als un­con­scious­ly shy away from ex­tremes. A prod­uct sells bet­ter if there is a more ex­pen­sive and a less ex­pen­sive version.
  • De­sired af­fil­i­a­tion : In­di­vid­u­als buy prod­ucts in or­der to be­long to a cer­tain group. In on­line stores, items at­tract greater in­ter­est if they are pop­u­lar with others.
  • Ex­clu­sive de­mand : A prod­uct is par­tic­u­lar­ly sought-af­ter by con­sumers if it is on­ly avail­able in a lim­it­ed num­ber or on­ly to se­lect­ed people.
  • Fear of miss­ing out : When on­ly a few prod­ucts are still avail­able, it cre­ates a sense of ur­gency that en­tices peo­ple to buy.
  • Ad­vance Oblig­a­tion : If the re­tail­er of­fers a cof­fee as a wel­come and takes a lot of time to give ad­vice, it’s hard­er for the cus­tomer not to buy the product.
  • Main­tain con­trol : Cus­tomers are more like­ly to buy a prod­uct if they can ex­change or re­turn it later.
  • Avoid pain : When pay­ing, the pain cen­ter is ac­ti­vat­ed in the brain. Pulling out a cred­it card is less painful than pay­ing with cash.


The un­con­scious de­ci­sion-mak­ing process­es are not yet one hun­dred per­cent known. How­ev­er, we do know that mes­sages pass through many trans­mit­ters on their way in­to the sub­con­scious, which would change them and charge them emo­tion­al­ly in dif­fer­ent ways. And, af­ter all, there has to be a ba­sic need in the first place. The best ad­ver­tis­ing for a skate­board would not be suc­cess­ful in the eyes of a grand­moth­er — un­less she want­ed to give one to her grandson.

As lifestyle prod­uct ad­ver­tis­ing in par­tic­u­lar shows, the mes­sages ad­dress many ba­sic needs. Who doesn’t want to be­come a lit­tle smarter, health­i­er, more pop­u­lar, more suc­cess­ful and, above all, hap­pi­er ? Com­pa­nies can al­so de­lib­er­ate­ly stir up fears and in­se­cu­ri­ties and sug­gest to con­sumers that they are not good enough — in or­der to then have the prod­uct as­so­ci­at­ed with the longed-for lifestyle right at their fingertips.

Some will ob­ject that they are not in­flu­enced by ad­ver­tis­ing. But that is a fal­la­cy ; no one can es­cape the emo­tion­al mes­sages. Even in­di­vid­u­als like us who have stud­ied the sub­ject in­ten­sive­ly are un­able to do so. That is why the leg­is­la­tor has set cer­tain lim­its to pro­tect health, for ex­am­ple in the case of to­bac­co ad­ver­tis­ing. In ad­di­tion, in Switzer­land, for ex­am­ple, ad­ver­tis­ing mes­sages are pro­hib­it­ed if they are on­ly dis­played for such a short time that con­sumers can­not con­scious­ly per­ceive them. It al­so be­comes prob­lem­at­ic when an un­healthy prod­uct is ad­ver­tised as healthy or the ad­ver­tis­ing oth­er­wise cre­ates a false impression.


In today’s con­sumer so­ci­ety, shop­ping is a wide­spread leisure ac­tiv­i­ty. More and more things are be­ing pur­chased be­cause of the brain’s re­ward sys­tem. Be­fore a pur­chase is made, the brain re­leas­es the neu­ro­trans­mit­ter dopamine in an­tic­i­pa­tion of a re­ward. This caus­es a short-term feel­ing of ela­tion, which al­so oc­curs when you con­sume al­co­hol or play video games. Over time, peo­ple get used to it and need more and more to gen­er­ate the same feel­ing of plea­sure. It doesn’t mat­ter whether the pur­chased item is a scent­ed can­dle or a nap­kin. The im­pulse pur­chase is made to trig­ger a dopamine surge. This al­so ex­plains why some­one al­ways wants to buy some­thing new, even though they al­ready own sim­i­lar prod­ucts. If the search for this brief emo­tion­al kick be­comes com­pul­sive, ad­dic­tion threat­ens. In Switzer­land, for ex­am­ple, around 4.8% of con­sumers are ad­dict­ed to shopping.


How­ev­er, not every­one re­acts to re­wards to the same ex­tent. Cu­ri­ous peo­ple, es­pe­cial­ly chil­dren, re­lease more dopamine than those for whom se­cu­ri­ty is most im­por­tant in life. We al­ways shop through our per­son­al­i­ty. This means that most in­di­vid­u­als have an emo­tion­al fo­cus. For ex­am­ple, some peo­ple fo­cus on safe­ty and or­der, oth­ers on pow­er and au­ton­o­my, and still oth­ers on dis­cov­ery and en­joy­ment. When buy­ing a car, the cau­tious cus­tomer is in­ter­est­ed in the airbag, while the dom­i­nant cus­tomer fo­cus­es on the vehicle’s horse­pow­er. But when it is a ques­tion of buy­ing a house, for ex­am­ple, the dom­i­nant type can al­so be more con­cerned about security.

The more com­pa­nies know about con­sumers’ per­son­al­i­ties, the bet­ter they can ad­dress them. As well, they are col­lect­ing more and more da­ta about shop­ping be­hav­ior. In on­line re­tail­ing, this com­bi­na­tion en­ables high­ly tar­get­ed emo­tion­al in­flu­ence. A man be­tween thir­ty and forty who strives for pow­er and au­ton­o­my, say, would be sent ad­ver­tise­ments for lux­u­ry cars or high-tech watch­es and then have the range of prod­ucts fur­ther re­strict­ed on the ba­sis of his dig­i­tal be­hav­ior. The lan­guage and im­ages used in ad­ver­tis­ing are al­so tai­lored to the personality.


Sta­tion­ary re­tail, on the oth­er hand, has com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent trump cards. All five sens­es can be ad­dressed to arouse emo­tions in con­sumers. This is one of the main rea­sons why on­line re­tail­ers would al­so open stores. The mere fact that cus­tomers can touch the prod­uct in­creas­es their will­ing­ness to pay. But mu­sic and scents al­so play an im­por­tant role. Su­per­mar­kets, for ex­am­ple, are in­creas­ing­ly bak­ing baked goods in-store. Or air­lines are re­ly­ing on ex­ot­ic scents to make pas­sen­gers feel like they’re on va­ca­tion. This feel­ing should al­so be con­veyed by staff uni­forms, in­te­ri­or de­sign and oth­er touch­points cus­tomers have with the brand. A con­sis­tent feel­ing is cre­at­ed across all sens­es and chan­nels. The customer’s re­la­tion­ship with a brand is built un­con­scious­ly, sim­i­lar to a friend­ship, he adds.


Which brands trig­ger emo­tions and are there­fore suc­cess­ful can be traced in the com­put­er to­mo­graph. If a per­son rec­og­nizes a brand, the re­ward area in the brain be­comes ac­tive. Un­fa­mil­iar brands, on the oth­er hand, trig­ger neg­a­tive emo­tions be­cause they are not rec­og­nized right away. This is be­cause the brain wants one thing above all : to save en­er­gy. The less en­er­gy that has to be ex­pend­ed to eval­u­ate a prod­uct, the more like­ly peo­ple are to buy it. Brands that are al­ready well-known thus leave ever deep­er traces in the brain. We in­creas­ing­ly tune out com­pet­ing prod­ucts and reach for the fa­mil­iar feeling.

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