How define the starlets of the social media world ? We took a closer look at the typology of influencers.
Together with our subsidiary agency Territory and Macromedia University, we have developed a completely new typology of the social media ” stars” world. What’s special about it is that we don’t classify influencers according to their absolute and quantifiable follower and reach numbers anymore, but according to purely qualified and communicative aspects. For this typology, we disclose different motives of the influencers. The basis for this is a newly developed grid consisting of a total of 33 criteria, which are grouped into four overarching clusters :
For this newly created value-based classification, we surveyed nearly 50,000 influencers and observed, captured, and scored the behavior of content creators across all social streams using the latest AI technology. Our world’s largest survey enables conclusions to be drawn about which influencer type, which brands generally prefer, which content formats work best, and who uses which platforms and how. Based on these qualitative criteria, the ideal brand fit can be identified down to the smallest detail. This in turn has a direct effect on the brand image.
Our analysis reveals that with the help of a qualified influencer integration in a given appropriate campaign, the brand fit exceeds the normal fit by up to 2.4 times. Irrespective of the gross number of followers and gross reach, five types of influencer groups can be identified.
The rational and conscious individual represents the largest of all influencer groups. They are mostly extremely professional in their appearance and primarily monetarily motivated. They regard social media as an essential part of their lives. Their content on the platforms has a fundamentally journalistic structure, based on extensive research and critical analysis. Their content is socio-political in nature, but can also be on topics that are of particular concern to their followers (such as the conscious use of natural resources in the form of avoiding plastic waste, conscious purchasing of regional products, etc.). Characteristic is the demand they make on themselves : They are almost perfectionistic and have a “broken soul” because they are always criticizing themselves and constantly have to compare themselves with others.
Brands can absolutely rely on this group of influencers because they have become highly professional in their work and know how to convince through media training, appropriate education in the field of media and communication, or solely through their many years of experience. Companies and brands should accordingly provide clear insights, facts and figures to cover the content preferences (for example, market analyses) of rationalists ideally. The favorite channels of rationalists and consciousness thinkers are YouTube, Instagram and, in a (still) small minority, TikTok.
Nearly one in four on social media conforms to this behavioral pattern. They have an (over)high level of recognition and participation and the obsessive feeling that they always have to attract attention everywhere. They enjoy having the attention of their followers by informing their community about topics that matter in their lives (but that doesn’t mean it’s interesting or even relevant to the followers).
But this is also increasingly about products : Four out of five of them, for example, say they want to share their experiences in order to influence their followers’ purchasing decisions in the corresponding direction. They see this task less as compulsion and rather out of passion. Their favorite platforms tend to have a visual focus (Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and Pinterest).
Extroverts are not locked into a specific content form, but are largely open to anything. Reputation-enhancing benefits such as events can decisively push the impact of brand communication. However, unlike the conscious thinkers, they have less professionalism and thus less understanding of a certain domain of knowledge, so they might also share less background about in their content (e.g., why the consumption of plastic cosmetics is so harmful to us or how we manage to create a social culture in which there is no compulsion to strive for a certain ideal of beauty).
This group of influencers works in two directions : They appeal to the target group just as much as the companies themselves. This is because they pass on their expertise to their followers while, in addition, using the additional knowledge they gain from feedback from their community, they want to provide companies with valuable input, e.g., to expand their product range, promote a better resource purchasing policy, or improve production conditions.
Almost one in five social media users belongs to this group. They are highly professionalized and almost “crave” new (background) knowledge on their main topics, which are ostensibly sociopolitical in nature. They are mostly also politically active and based in organizations such as the Friday for Future group, and have a high level of social competence and empathy. Accordingly, experts are credible in their community. Companies should thus provide detailed information about their products and emphasize specific product features here. In return, marketing and R&D teams can benefit from the feedback – for example, in product development.
Idealists make up a share of 16 percent and are thus rather in the minority of social media users. They are mainly motivated by their own values and sense of responsibility and want to improve the world. Accordingly, they like to support good causes and consume brands that want to protect the patch of earth responsibly. They seek to do good and are concerned with things of social relevance. They are not concerned with sideshows.
Characterized by not taking themselves seriously, being humorous, and preferring to shine a bright light on the individual in the minority is what shapes their personality. Livestreams such as IGTV, for example, are a natural part of their way to connect with followers in person and to hear even the smallest voice and make it work for them. Twitch is their favorite channel after Instagram, not least because these live streams allow them to engage in an in-depth dialogue with their community. They are creative in their inventiveness and its practical implementation. Brands working with idealists must ensure they have a strong CSR approach. Product are critically reviewed to rule out environmental wasting.
Storytellers prefer to connect products and their information with their own experiences. They are always online and like to browse through the wide web and are therefore a good source for friends, acquaintances or family to provide information about new products. Popular channels here are Instagram, TikTok and, quite clearly, the personal blog. When working with the group of storytellers, it is essential that brands function in an entertaining environment and can be integrated into stories. Brands should enable storytellers to tell their own stories.