Get­ting back to the bonfire

Do you re­mem­ber ? At the be­gin­ning of 2020 we were dis­cussing mod­ern and re­spon­si­ble he­do­nism, think­ing on­ly of glam­orous fes­tiv­i­ties ? In­stead of grand cel­e­bra­tions, Coro­na is keep­ing the world on its toes. Eco­nom­i­cal­ly and med­ical­ly, the spread of Covid-19 is an ex­oge­nous shock – a mas­sive event that no one saw com­ing and has ren­dered all pre­dic­tions moot.

The latest NEws

How the ef­fects of au­dio ad­ver­tis­ing increase
Re­learn­ing the learning
What mat­ters in the new nor­mal communication ?