This is how news lit­er­ate Ger­mans re­al­ly are

The coro­na pan­dem­ic in par­tic­u­lar has great­ly changed in­for­ma­tion-seek­ing be­hav­ior. Peo­ple are in­creas­ing­ly look­ing for im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion on­line. But how lit­er­ate are Ger­mans in on­line be­hav­ior to be able to dis­tin­guish be­tween se­ri­ous and non-se­ri­ous information ?

The latest NEws

How the ef­fects of au­dio ad­ver­tis­ing increase
Re­learn­ing the learning
What mat­ters in the new nor­mal communication ?